recent letter in The Japan Times
complained that opponents of nuclear power always conflate good nuclear power
(electricity) with bad nuclear power (bombs). This blog is guilty as charged,
and it’s a valid question to ask, but unfortunately, there are some very good
reasons why you can’t have your yin without your yang. Seriously, viewing the
photo above of the Fukushim Dai-ichi Unit 3 detonation, who wouldn’t be
terrified by both the civilian and military uses of nuclear energy?
To understand why the two co-exist
requires a look at the origins of nuclear energy. The history shows that during
the days of discovery, no one had the faintest thought of using nuclear fission
to boil water, even though it wasn’t too hard to imagine how the chain reaction
could be moderated. The history also shows that a vast, expensive
infrastructure for building weapons had to exist before nuclear power plants
were built – mostly as an afterthought justification for having made the
weapons complex.
Consider how hard it has been to get modern
civilization off its addiction to fossil fuels. There has been no
transformative, massive investment in renewable energy, and the likely reason
is that it has no potential for massively destructive weapons that would change
the balance of power in the world.
Imagine that the discovery of fission had
happened during peacetime. Instead of Einstein writing a letter to President
Roosevelt warning that the Germans might build a terrible new weapon, he would
have been asking for government subsidies for a new kind of energy that some
friends were trying to launch in a start-up company. He would have explained
that a multibillion-dollar infrastructure was needed to set up the mining,
processing and power stations. Massive fossil fuel-burning generating stations
would be needed to run the enrichment facilities. The outcome would be
uncertain, and the details worked out along the way. Oh, and by the way,
devastating military applications would be possible, but a system of global
surveillance could ensure that no nation ever submitted to the temptation to
make such a weapon. Furthermore, the used fuel would be the most toxic thing
ever known, and potentially a weapon of mass destruction. A way to dispose of
it would have to be worked out. Devastating accidents could happen that would
have catastrophic effects on populations and food supplies. We don’t yet
understand what this stuff does to living tissue, but it’s just a matter of
control. What do you think? This could be the way of the future.
The opinion you have about to this speculation
depends on your theory of human nature. No one can say what would happen in
this alternate reality, but my conclusion is that there is no leader now or
ever who would have supported this start-up. The likely response would have
been, “Spare me the science fiction nonsense, but tell me more about the
weapons.” As it was, the most Einstein ever said about making electricity from
nuclear energy was that it was “one hell of a way to boil water.”
Another interesting speculative question is
whether any nation would have built nuclear infrastructure if the implications
had been thoroughly discussed and put to a vote. The Manhattan Project was
carried out in secrecy under the leadership of General Leslie Groves, without
the knowledge of Congress, and $2 billion was spent on a massive system of
laboratories, mines, factories and enrichment facilities. The political leaders
didn’t understand the science or the health dangers, and the scientists naively
believed the bomb would be used to deter a Nazi nuclear attack. They were
shocked, shocked to realize that the $2-billion bomb would have to be used to
justify its cost and to make a show of strength to the Soviets.
The American public has always excused this Manhattan
Project secrecy as a necessity of the war, but nonetheless it was one massive
blank check that wasn’t really essential. The Americans quickly realized that
enormous generating stations and industrial plants were required, not to
mention access to lots of uranium ore, and the USSR, Germany and Japan all
lacked the prerequisites, under the conditions that existed from 1943-45.
America was the only country that had the capacity. By the spring of 1945,
Germany had surrendered and General Groves was worried that Japan would be done
too before “the gadget” was ready. The outcome of the war would not have been
much different without the bomb.
Few historians believe anymore that the atomic bombs were essential to end the war. There was no CNN in those days, so
most of Japan barely knew anything had happened. The generals in Tokyo
had heard only vague reports of a terrifying new kind of weapon, but they didn’t
know enough about it to be scared of it, and they certainly didn’t care about
the fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was just two more bombed out cities
after all the others that had been bombed by conventional methods.
After the Nagasaki bomb the generals still
wanted to fight on, and if they had had a chance to call a bluff and see if the
Americans would drop another one, they would have found out that there weren’t
any more. (The Bikini Islanders still had 11 months to enjoy their homeland
before the next bomb was ready for them.) The surrender happened only because
some cabinet members were able to get around the military leadership, sneak the
recording of the Emperor’s speech out of the palace, and get it on the radio. According
to historian Tsuyoshi
Hasegawa, what really
got the political leadership to surrender was the entry of the USSR into the
war in August 1945. They concluded, predictably, that going with the
capitalists would be the lesser of two evils.
As late as 1995 (and still now for a large
segment of the population), this was still a wild, revisionist theory in
America. A proposed
exhibit at the Smithsonian, commemorating the 50th. anniversary
of the atomic bombings, was to present a contextualized, multifaceted approach
to the interpretation of the history, but political opposition shut it down. It
was offensive to veterans to suggest that factors beside the bombs had an
influence in ending the war.
The standard defense is that the bombings were
justified because they eliminated the necessity of a land invasion in which
hundreds of thousands would die. Some even suggested there would have been a
million American casualties. The trouble with this reasoning is that it ignores
an obvious possibility: pack up and go home if you don’t want to invade. The
war was already over. Japan could no longer wage war outside its territories, it
could not have held on to Korea and Taiwan, and it was under blockade. The
threat of Soviet invasion would have made Japan come begging for an American
occupation, which is basically what really motivated the actual surrender.
Thus the atomic bombings were a sideshow, but a
nice demonstration of American power to usher in the post-war world. The entire
Manhattan Project seems like a series of events that spun out of control and went
beyond any outcome that anyone imagined at the outset. It expanded like as a
headless monster, and the mission creep has continued all the way to Fukushima and the present nuclear standoff with Iran.
Colonel: What’s that you’ve got written on your helmet? Private Joker: ‘Born to Kill’, Sir. Colonel: You write ‘Born to Kill’ on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some sick joke?... Private Joker: I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir. Colonel: The what? Private Joker: The duality of man. You know – the Jungian thing, sir.
Stanley Kubrick (dir.) Full Metal Jacket. 1987
There are problems with speculating about how
things might have happened under different circumstances, but it is worthwhile
to run such thought experiments. I find it hard to believe that humanity would
have first tried to harness nuclear energy for anything other than weapons. The
struggle to establish renewable energy has shown that the fossil fuel paradigm
would not allow itself to be threatened by such a novel, risky and expensive
undertaking as nuclear power, which requires energy inputs from fossil fuels in any case. Using nuclear energy to produce electricity was a
side-benefit promoted to soften the criticism of the nuclear arms race and ease the conscience of the scientists who had contributed to the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it
was made affordable only by the pre-existing infrastructure for weapons. Once nuclear
power plants exist, they are all plutonium factories that add to the risk of
nuclear weapons proliferation and fill the world with nuclear waste for which
there is still no disposal solution. We could imagine a world with nuclear
weapons and no nuclear power plants, but not vice versa.
The secret revealed in August 1945 shouldn't
be considered to have been a total a surprise at the time. News headlines from
1939-43 (below) told the world about the coming nuclear age, and a Scientific American issue from 1939 (excerpted below the table)
recounted the discovery of uranium fission by Otto Hahn in December, 1938. The
article explicitly describes the possibility of developing a new kind of
Articles about Uranium Fission
Reported in The New York Times before
Manhattan Project Censorship took hold completely:
Vast Energy Freed by Uranium Atom; Split, It Produces 2
'Cannonballs,' Each of 100,000,000 Electron Volts Hailed as Epoch Making, New
Process, Announced at Columbia, Uses Only 1-30 Volt to Liberate Big Force.
Jan. 31, 1939.
The Week in Science; When Uranium Splits Doubtful Source of Power
Cancer and X-Rays Neutron Possibilities News Notes. March 5, 1939.
Vision Earth Rocked by Isotope Blast; Scientists Say Bit of
Uranium Could Wreck New York. April 30, 1939.
Release Largest Store Known on Earth A ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ When
Separated in Pure Form It Can Yield 235 Billion Volts Per Atom of Its Own.
May 5, 1939.
New Key is Found to Atomic Energy; Actino-Uranium Is Credited With
Power to A Mixture of Physics and Fantasy. March 17, 1940.
· Vast Power Source in Atomic Energy Opened by
Science; Report on New Source of Power. May 5, 1940.
Third Way to Split Atom Is Found By Halving Uranium and Thorium;
Scientists at University of California Say Cleavage Creates Much Energy --
Tokyo Men Also Report Uranium Fission. March 3, 1941.
Scientist Reaches London; Dr. N.H.D. Bohr, Dane, Has a New Atomic
Blast Invention. October 9, 1943.
Research Institute is Seized in Denmark; Germans Are Expected to
Work on New Secret Weapon. December 12, 1943.
“These secondary neutrons constitute a fresh
supply of ‘bullets’ to produce new fissions. Thus we are faced with a vicious
circle, with one explosion setting off another, and energy being continuously
and cumulatively released. It is probable that a sufficiently large mass of
uranium would be explosive if its atoms once got well started dividing. As a
matter of fact, the scientists are pretty nervous over the dangerous forces
they are unleashing, and are hurriedly devising means to control them.
It may or may not be significant that, since
early spring, no accounts of research on nuclear fission have been heard from
Germany — not even from discoverer Hahn. It is not unlikely that the German
government, spotting a potentially powerful weapon of war, has imposed military
secrecy on all recent German investigations. A large concentration of isotope
235, subjected to neutron bombardment, might conceivably blow up all London or
Other sources:
“First Atomic Bomb Dropped on Japan; Missile Is Equal to 20,000 Tons of TNT; Truman Warns Foe of a ‘Rain of Ruin.’” The New York Times. August 6, 1945.
Philip Nobile (ed.). Judgment at the Smithsonian: The Uncensored Script of the Smithsonian’s 50th Anniversary Exhibit of the Enola Gay. Marlowe and Co.1995.The Pacific War Research Society. Japan’s Longest Day. Kodansha. 1968.
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa. Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2006.
Ward Wilson. “The Myth of Nuclear Necessity.” The New York Times. January 13, 2013.
from sources posted on Wikipedia: Debate over the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
After the war, Admiral Soemu Toyoda said, "I
believe the Russian participation in the war against Japan rather than the atom
bombs did more to hasten the surrender." (John Toland, The Rising Sun, Modern Library Paperback Edition, 2003,
p.807) Prime Minister Suzuki also declared that the entry of
the USSR into the war made "the continuance of the war impossible." (Edward Bunting, World War II Day by Day. Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2001, p.652) Upon
hearing news of the event from Foreign Minister Togo, Suzuki immediately said,
"Let us end the war", and agreed to finally convene an emergency
meeting of the Supreme Council with that aim. The official British history, The War Against
Japan, also writes the Soviet declaration of war "brought home to all
members of the Supreme Council the realization that the last hope of a
negotiated peace had gone and there was no alternative but to accept the Allied
terms sooner or later."
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